Embedding Library Resources in Your Canvas Course

Embedding Library Resources in Your Canvas Course

This workshop shows you how to bring Temple library resources and librarian help to your students where they learn: in your Canvas course. The workshop begins with an overview of library resources available to support students and a brief explanation of ebook licenses. Participants will learn how to customize the Library navigation link, create persistent links to library materials, embed library research guides, import interactive library tutorials from Canvas Commons, and add a librarian to their course. This workshop complements the Adding Course Reserves in Your Canvas Course workshop.

This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop to receive the Zoom link via a confirmation email. On the day of the workshop, use the link to join the session.  

This workshop will be recorded. Register to attend the live session or to receive a copy of the recording. 

Contact Karen Kohn and Nicole DeSarno at tub82123@temple.edu with any questions.

Please be advised that the resource covered in this workshop requires TUaccessnet credentials to log in. Those who do not have a TUaccessnet ID are still welcome to join the session and learn about the platform. Contact the presenter with questions.

Related LibGuide: Library Resources in Canvas by Caitlin Shanley

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
11:00am - 12:00pm
Main Campus
Registration has closed.