Love Data Week: Choosing a Repository for your Data

Love Data Week: Choosing a Repository for your Data

Researchers can make their research accessible and reproducible, and fulfill funder requirements, by depositing their research data in a repository. This workshop will explain the differences between different repository types and what repositories Temple is a member of and researchers can deposit with for no cost. Instructors will provide you with a framework you can use to decide what repository to use to preserve and share your research data and take the headache out of finding a home for your research data. 

This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop to receive the Zoom link via a confirmation email. On the day of the workshop, use the link to join the session.  

This workshop will be recorded. Register to attend the live session or to receive a copy of the recording. 

Contact Will Dean at with any questions.  

Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Will Dean

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm
  Love Data Week  
Registration has closed.