Prepping Your Poster for Printing

Prepping Your Poster for Printing

This online workshop will cover the basic steps to having your poster presentation printed here at Ginsburg Health Sciences Library (or anywhere!). You’ll hear about some of the most common mistakes that presenters make during this process like including low-resolution images, unclear graphs, incompatible sizing, and more. This will also be your chance to learn more about Ginsburg's poster printing service and to ask any questions you might have about the service. Come get your poster print-ready!

This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop. You will receive a registration confirmation email, which includes the Zoom link for the workshop. On the day of the workshop, participants should log into their accounts in order to skip the waiting room. If participants are not Temple affiliates, they should use their first and last names in order to be admitted to the session. 

Please email Nick Perilli,, with any questions.

Workshop is recommended for: Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, Temple Hospital staff, and community members.

Thursday, October 24, 2024
12:00pm - 12:30pm
Registration has closed.