How to Avoid Predatory Publishing

How to Avoid Predatory Publishing


Predatory publishers run online journals that abuse the open access model and will accept almost any paper submitted. They offer little in terms of copy editing or peer review. Journal websites may include false information about impact factors, editorial board members, and other affiliations. These publishing models lead to bad science and damaged researcher reputations.  This session will provide an overview of the problem, and will teach you how to identify and avoid predatory biomedical journals and predatory conferences. Suggestions for finding reliable journals in which to publish are included. 

Register to attend the live online session or to receive a copy of the recording.  

This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop. You will receive a registration confirmation email, which includes the Zoom link for the workshop. On the day of the workshop, participants should log into their accounts in order to skip the waiting room. If participants are not Temple affiliates, they should use their first and last names in order to be admitted to the session. 

Please email Courtney Eger,, with any questions.

Workshop is recommended for: Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, Temple Hospital staff, and community members.

Thursday, April 24, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Registration is required. There are 48 seats available.