Manual and Auto Coding and Querying with QualCoder

Manual and Auto Coding and Querying with QualCoder

This is the seventh workshop of a series of qualitative research and qualitative data analysis (QDA) workshops featuring QualCoder, a free, open-source qualitative data analysis software. Many contents will be applicable to other QDA tools. The workshop will cover advanced coding features and considerations for manual and auto coding, annotating, memoing, and linking data and analysis with QualCoder and other QDA tools. Join us to get help and resources for further learning, ask questions, and share your experience.

This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop to receive the Zoom link via a confirmation email. On the day of the workshop, use the link to join the session.  

This workshop will be recorded. Register to attend the live session or to receive a copy of the recording. 

Contact Van Tran at with any questions.  

Related LibGuide: Qualitative Data Analysis and QDA Tools by Van Tran

Thursday, March 20, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm
  Qualitative Data  

Registration is required. There are 33 seats available.